Why is Fast Food increasing illegal immigration?
"Fast" food slows you down when it hits your stomach, parks there, and lets the fat have time to get off and apply for citizenship.
- Four engineers are arguing over who designed the human body. The mechanical engineer points to the ways the bones, the muscles, and the tendons are joined together and move so smoothly and efficiently, and claims it must have been a mechanical engineer. The electrical engineer diagrams the…
- I was wanted to donate blood today, but they ask too many personal questions. Like who’s blood is this and where did I get it.
- A man was lost in the desert for days and days and days and was crawling on his hands and knees. He had heat stroke, sun stroke, everything stroke and in maybe a few minutes he would be dead. In the distance he saw a mirage, he thought. He saw someone coming towards him but he hadn't seen…
- Einstein dies and goes to heaven. At the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter tells him, "You look like Einstein, but you have NO idea what some people will do to sneak into Heaven. Can you prove who you really are?" Einstein ponders for a few seconds and asks, "Could I have a blackboard and some chalk?"…